Window Wedge - Cresci Products - 2 Pack

by Cresci

The only thing standing between you and your child having a "Falling Out." The Window Wedge with the Slip-Resistant Base, was designed and tested to act as an Adjustable Window Stop for double hung, single hung, and horizontal sliding windows. The Window Wedge is made of durable, impact resistant, ABS Plastic and has a tapered groove on the bottom that holds a strip of (Velcro® Brand) hook material that mates with an 8 inch strip of (Velcro® Brand) peel and stick loop material. The stop wedges itself between the part of the window being opened and the part that is stationary, wedging the window to stop opening. It can be used to keep the window 100% closed or you set it to be open for a certain number of inches. For Child Safety, the maximum window opening should not exceed 4 inches.

The loop material easily attaches to the window frame (See Directions) without the use of tools. The Window Wedge is then placed over the loop strip and pressed down at the desired window opening location.

This product is not a substitute for Adult Supervision or even window locks. Never leave a child unattended. AKA, never sleep again!


Product Highlights

  • Added child safety at home
  • Made of durable and impact resistant ABS plastic
  • No tools required – no drilling or screwing into window frames
  • Quick and easy hook and loop installation
  • Adjustable window stop that is installed on the inside of Double Hung, Single Hung or Sliding Horizontal Windows
  • Easily removable from the inside of the window in case of an emergency
  • With a slip-resistant base
  • Made in the USA
  • Eco-friendly packaging

Product Specifications

  • Brand: Cresci Products Window Wedge
  • Type: Window Child Safety
  • Material Type: Abs Plastic
  • Material Composition: Lead-Free
  • Color: Multicolor
  • Age Group: Toddler
  • Assembled Weight: .4 oz

Window Wedge Installation Instructions


  • Do not attach to glass.
  • Remove Window Wedge before opening window beyond the loop strip location.
  1. Close window. Clean surface before application. Peel off backing from 8-inch loop strip and place in center of upper window frame.
  2. Attach the Window Wedge onto the loop strip at the desired height. Open the window until it is stopped by the Window Wedge.

NOTE: For Child Safety, maximum window opening should not exceed 4 inches (101.6mm).

Download Installation Instructions Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the dimensions of the Window Wedge?

A: They are ¾” wide. The window frame (stile) needs to be at least 3/4" in width to install the wedge.

Q: How do you attach the Window Wedge?

A: The Window Wedge comes with hook and loop strips with adhesive backing -- no nails, no screws, no tools required.

Q: Can I use it on the top part of the window too?

A: Yes, they can be used for placement on the top window section that pulls down too in addition to the bottom part of your window that pulls up.

Q: What does a window wedge do?

A: Window wedges limit the height your window can go up.

Q: How do you stop a window from opening all the way?

A: By setting your window wedge to only open up to 4 inches maximum or less. With the window in closed position, first clean and then dry the window. Then pull off the adhesive (loop strip), place it onto the window, and attach the window wedge to the loop strip on your window where it is restricting the window from opening no more than a few inches.

Q: How do you stop a child from opening a window?

A: In addition to window locks, a window stop (also known as a wedge) can be installed. Never trust a screen to keep your child safe. Make sure it’s set so that the child cannot stick his or her head through or crawl into the window space that is open.

Q: Can they be quickly removed in case window is needed as a fire escape?

A: Yes, you can easily remove them in case of an emergency. How to remove it? Close the window, then remove the window wedge from the strip (inside part of the window). You will be able to open the window.

Q: Will this window lock work on old-fashioned wooden sash windows or only on modern aluminum windows?

A: Yes, this window stopper also works on wooden sash windows.

Q: My child’s room has very low windows, would he be able to pull the wedge off the hook and loop strips?

A: It depends on your child’s age and strength. If your child is 17 years old or a mini Superman, then he/she might be able to pull it off. Typically, though, it holds up to most children under 4 years old. Your child might be the next weightlifting Olympic gold medalist, however, so please note that this product is not a substitute for adult supervision. Never leave your child unattended.

Q: Are there any security benefits to using this product?

A: While a wedge is not designed specifically for security, it will deter criminals, as it will be much harder to gain entry to a residence or building with a window wedge installed.

About The Window Wedge - Cresci Products

The Window Wedge - Cresci Product is the perfect solution for homeowners who want to child proof their windows. It’s durable and designed to fit into any window of the home, leaving an opening of up to 4 inches and blocking access from young children in the home. It’s easy to install and requires no additional tool or assistance. Simply take the Window Wedge from the box and insert into the window of your choice! (follow easy instructions)

Childproof Windows To Keep Children Safe

The Window Covering Safety Council (WCSC) is focused on educating homeowners about the potential dangers of window coverings. They reported that recent US Consumer Product Safety Commission studies show that injuries around windows are one of the top five hidden hazards in homes across America with young children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,  over 5100 children per year are treated for window fall related industries in U.S. hospitals (source:

It’s very important to keep the windows in the home safe for children. For most children under the age of 5, it’s simple to fit through small openings in the window and potentially fall or trip down. Window screens aren’t reliable and can’t prevent children from falling down.  Below are simple tips to child proof your windows:

•    Install and use safety window stoppers or wedges like our Window Wedge - Cresci Products
•    Use the window wedge to stop the window from opening too far
•    Install child proof window locks to guarantee windows can’t open or close without adult supervision.

3 Ways To Childproof Your Home’s Windows

Learn how you can keep the windows in your home safe for children

Studies show that thousands of children each year fall out of windows and become injured. It’s important for homeowners to keep their children safe from accidents like these and childproof the windows in their homes.

1 - Child Proof Window Locks

The easiest way to childproof the windows inside a home is to install childproof window locks that allow homeowners to lock or unlock their windows with a key.  With child proof window locks, children won’t be able to open or close windows without the key and as a result will enjoy a safe environment.

2 - Child Proof Window Guards

Window guards are grille-type guards that are placed over the window and prevent children from opening them. Easy for adults to open or close, the window guards are an excellent option for homeowners who want to childproof the windows inside their homes while also allowing the windows to be manually opened by an adult. Window guards work for most types of windows like casement windows, single-hung or double-hung windows, slider windows, and awning windows.

The main advantage of windows with window guards is that they block children's ability to open or close windows, while still allowing adults to open or close them. The disadvantage is that these window guards may not look nice in some homes and can change the aesthetic of the home.

3 - Child Proof Window Stoppers or Wedges

Another way to childproof windows is to install plastic window stoppers or window wedges.  These are usually simple to install in all forms of windows like sliding, single-hung, and double-hung windows. They are shaped in a triangular pattern and prevent windows from opening more than a small amount (in most cases around 4 inches). The main advantage of using child safety window stoppers or wedges is that they are easy to install, adjust, and remove when needed.  Simply wedge the device into the window and it will do its job immediately. These window wedges are also good because they don’t stand out and won’t disturb the appearance of the windows.  Order yours now here at Child Safety Store.

And remember, Cresci Products itself states on its packaging that the “product is not a substitute for adult supervision. Never leave a child unattended.” If you ever open a window to get some fresh air and don’t have it locked, a child can get out. For a small cost, you can have peace of mind.

How To Buy The Window Wedge Online

If you are looking for this product, you can order  yours now here at Child Safety Store. We’re an authorized retailer.